FBANC Condemns the Racialization and Weaponization of COVID-19 Against the APA Community

The Filipino Bar Association of Northern California (“FBANC”) condemns the harmful, xenophobic, and racist rhetoric repeatedly utilized by elected officials against the Asian Pacific American (“APA”) community amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ongoing racialization and weaponization of COVID-19, such as references to “Kung-Flu” or the “Chinese Virus,” greatly impacts the emotional, psychological, and physical well-being of those within the APA community, including Filipinx Americans.  Furthermore, the use of racist language by elected officials fuels race-based assaults against individuals within the APA community and serves only to distract from the public health and economic crisis.  

FBANC further condemns the disturbing rise of racist attacks and hate crimes against members of the APA community. These include the race-based tirade and violent threats against an APA woman and man in two separate incidents at Wilson Park in Torrance, California in mid-June, and the racially-motivated rant against an APA family at a restaurant in Carmel Valley, California over the Fourth of July weekend.  

FBANC urges elected officials to end racist COVID-19 related rhetoric and encourages community members to report incidents of discrimination to the Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center.  


NAPABA Hate Crimes Task Force and Pro Bono Legal Resources


NAPABA Elections - Voter Eligibility (deadline August 3 at 5 p.m. EDT)