Candidate for Director:
Antonio Raimundo
I’m Antonio Raimundo, one of the current FBANC Directors. I’m currently a Co-Chair on the Professional Development Committee. I’ve also served as Mentorship Committee Chair for three one-year terms. I served as the FBANC Foundation Treasurer and Officer-at-Large in the 2020-2021 term. And, I served on the Board of Directors of the Philippine American Bar Association in Los Angeles from 2013 to 2015. My day job is working as Senior Counsel, Litigation & Employment at Lyft, Inc., where I manage litigation and advise on workplace law issues.
I would love to bring my experience and enthusiasm to serve as FBANC’s Social Committee Co-Chair for the 2023-2024 term. I’d work with my Co-Chair to plan to hold two events in the fall and winter.
Provided the COVID-19 pandemic does not worsen next term, I’d love to keep our events as in-person gatherings. I’d also be happy to put on hybrid in-person and online events. In-person events are more enjoyable. But online events have proven fantastic for other reasons--e.g., students or attorneys who otherwise might be too busy or too far to travel to the Bay Area for an in-person FBANC event can instead attend via Zoom.
Working with community members has been one of the highlights for me during my five years on the FBANC Board. I’d love the chance to work on this Board again, and I hope you’ll support me with your vote.