Candidate for Director:
Bonifacio C. Sison
My name is Bonifacio C. Sison.
I served as your 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Membership Director during my first two years on the Board of FBANC. As your Membership Director, I increased membership and sustained its ranks. I also addressed member’s questions and issues in an expeditious manner. I achieved this through numerous creative membership drives that retained and attracted membership.
Notably, I led a project to complete the Membership Directory, which compiles and makes public information detailing the Membership of FBANC and their background and law practice. Today, because of our efforts, a member of our broader community is able to seek out an attorney practicing a relevant area of law who also happens to share our background.
Looking ahead to 2023-24, I hope to continue serving FBANC as the Community Outreach Director. I believe I can make an even greater community impact as the Community Outreach Director this upcoming term. My relevant experience includes assisting the Community Outreach committee in the past, including reviewing and interviewing candidates for the inaugural and subsequent William R. Tamayo Community Grant. One of my primary objectives will be to facilitate communications and liaise with outside organizations. Specifically, I envision FBANC having a greater presence at broader community-based events, such as at the Pistahan Parade and Festival and during Filipino American History Month. As a newcomer to the role, I plan to achieve this by learning from my past experience serving on various publicly-oriented groups, aligning with the broader objectives of FBANC as an organization, and coordinating with my future co-director.
I look forward to entering my third year as part of the Board of FBANC. Thank you for your continued support.
Bonifacio C. Sison