Candidate for Director:
Idrian Mollaneda
Hello FBANC members!
I am Idrian Mollaneda, a second year associate at Farella Braun + Martel LLP and current FBANC co-social director. I’m hoping to reprise my role as co-social director of FBANC. I’ve had an awesome time cofacilitating fun events for the FBANC community this past year and I hope to continue it in 2023-2024! If selected as co-social director, I will keep harnessing FBANC’s robust resources and membership to cultivate and maintain a resilient, well-connected Bay Area Filipinx legal community.
I would love to keep adding many meaningful and memorable opportunities to gather in the coming year. If you have any questions, I may be reached at or (240) 413-7919.
Thank you!