Candidate for Director:
Jerel Pacis Agatep
I am currently a Data Privacy Associate at BakerHostetler, LLP and the incumbent Membership Co-Director. Prior to that, I was the Social Co-Director for two terms. I was also FBANC’s Operation Director during my first year on board.
Additionally, I have been an incumbent member of the Communications Committee, Mentorship Committee, and Scholarship Committee. I believe that the experience I have gained through these positions and memberships makes me an ideal Co-Membership Director for FBANC this coming year. I look forward to working with Ms. Chloe Ramos Czabaranek in continuing the work I’ve done together with my outgoing Co-Director, Mr. Bonifacio Sison, furthering FBANC’s mission statement by connecting with our past, current, and future members.
My number one goal this upcoming year is not only to sustain our 215 paid members but also try and surpass that to 250 paid members by the end of my term in 2024. Additionally, I would like to continue the efforts of my predecessors of maintaining our list of attorney members that is available to our community.
As you may know, I may not be physically in the San Francisco Bay Area this upcoming year, but I would like to have the opportunity to continue serving our Filipino community. Thank you and I am looking forward to your support as your incoming Co-Membership Director for 2023-2024 FBANC Board.
Jerel Pacis Agatep