Candidate for FBANC Secretary: Isabelle Tan
Hello, my name is Isabelle Tan and I hope to serve as FBANC Secretary for the 2023 - 2024 term. I have been involved with FBANC for several years now and have served on the Board for multiple terms.
I have previously served as the Community Outreach Director and Membership Co-Directors for two years. I have also served on the Women’s Committee and was involved in committees to kick off the first Pinay Powerhouse Conference which is now an annual conference. During my time on FBANC board, I have assisted in the planning and execution of several FBANC events and outreach work.
As FBANC Secretary, I will continue to keep our members informed of FBANC events as well as community events and news through newsletters, e-mails and social media. As a member of the Executive Board my goal is to provide support to the rest of the executive board and board of directors. I am excited to help recreate successful events, pioneer any new resources for the FBANC membership, and to help assess what events and programs the board will develop and put forth in the upcoming year. I hope to help FBANC continue in its legacy of programs, mentoring, community outreach, and responsiveness to its membership.