Candidate for FBANC Vice President:
Janice Reicher
I have been honored to serve on the FBANC board for my fourth year, most recently as the FBANC Foundation Treasurer. I am running for the position of Vice President because I would like to take a more active role on the executive board and in furthering FBANC’s mission of promoting the success of Filipinx-American lawyers and law students. Some of the highlights of my past service on the FBANC board include organizing the Komunidad conference for Bay Area PALS students, leading our mentorship programming, putting on professional development panels, and fundraising for the FBANC Foundation. For the upcoming year, I would like to work in service of our mission to “be the change.” One way I would like to do this is to work on initiatives to change the landscape of our legal community by promoting the advancement of Filipinx leaders in all spheres, including the judiciary and law firm practice. I will work with our president, executive board, and committees to strategize on ways to achieve this goal. I look forward to serving FBANC and this amazing community in the upcoming year. Thank you.