Candidate for Director:
William Walraven
I have had the privilege of serving on the FBANC board for the past five years in various roles, as Social Director, Mentorship Director, and as Historian Director.
I am seeking your support to continue my service to FBANC in the upcoming year as Legal Clinics Director.
As Legal Clinics Director I will continue FBANC’s tradition of collaborating with our nonprofit partners to host legal clinics that serve the needs of our community, including in the areas of worker’s rights and immigration law.
My goal is to host at least two clinics in the upcoming year and work with nonprofit partners and the FBANC Community Outreach Directors to identify topics most relevant to our vulnerable community members, and to promote the clinics to potential attendees via social media in an effort to boost attendance.
Thank you for your consideration. I would be honored again to have your support.
William Walraven