Incoming President

Leo Cristobal

The theme for FBANC 44 is Moving Forward. There is an important distinction between “moving on” and “moving forward” - the former implies leaving something behind, while the latter embodies progress and resilience.

No matter our individual background or personal set of circumstances, I wholeheartedly believe that this theme captures our shared experience - we’ve had to maintain optimism through a global pandemic, adapt to a changing work world, and continue to persevere in the face of loss, unrest, and uncertainty.

It also encapsulates our organization’s focus this year: in order to keep moving forward together, we will remain dedicated to our students and future leaders, we will build upon our award-winning programming, and we will persist in advocating for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the legal profession.

Ultimately, this theme celebrates our perseverance while also representing FBANC's continued commitment to providing impactful programming, support, and service to the Filipino community and its members.

I am proud, grateful, and honored to serve as your incoming President, and I am looking forward to an amazing year!